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🔥 为什么肩周炎也叫五十肩?听说痛更应该动,不动则更痛?长期做家务会导致五十肩吗?中医的温针灸你听过吗?马光中医师李炳梅在 MediaCorp Channel 8 的《医聊大小事》 讲解 “五十肩” 。 欢迎点击此连接观看影片!!✨ Link: […]
【Healthy Lifestyle with TCM】A big thank you to Physician Meisya Agustina for sharing valuable insights at #Singtel. From dietary recommendations to mental health management, Physician Meisya shared invaluable knowledge and practical tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily life. ✨🤩 We cherish these connections and look forward to more memorable moments with Ma Kuang […]
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧? 🌿 Our recent TCM Health talk at #Starhub with Physician Lua Wei Feng was a huge success! We learned how TCM can effectively alleviate pain through time-tested techniques. From acupuncture to herbal remedies, Physician Lua shared invaluable knowledge and practical tips that you can incorporate into your daily […]
【从压力到放松:拔罐如何助力改善失眠?】 你感觉到失眠和压力在影响你的生活吗?😔 身体的疲惫和精神的紧张,可能正在向你发出需要放松的信号!💡 🌿 拔罐疗法:释放压力,提升睡眠质量 通过中医拔罐疏通经络、调节气血,帮你摆脱压力,轻松入睡。适合那些长期受到失眠困扰的朋友! 😴 放松身心:从拔罐开始,改善恶性循环 压力大、睡不好?拔罐疗法是你改善失眠、放松身心的有效方法!快来体验拔罐的神奇疗效。 🌙 想知道更多?立即报名参加我们的【马光工作坊】,让林钊任推拿师帮你找到属于你的舒适睡眠! 👉 立即报名: 📻 地点: 106A Henderson Crescent, Singapore 151106 ⏰ 时间: 10am – 1pm ✅ 工作坊优惠: • 每位参与者均可获得免费礼品袋(价值$28) • 马光关爱积分配套促销 • 保健品促销 • 免费试喝药材补汤 […]
【中医推拿如何舒缓及预防运动损伤?】 你的身体在“说话”,你听到了吗?🤔 如果你常运动,感觉到酸痛、僵硬、或者不适,这些都是身体发出的信号,提醒你需要及时调整和治疗!💡 🌿 **推拿疗法:缓解运动损伤** 中医推拿通过调理身体的气血循环,有效缓解由运动引发的疼痛和紧张。特别适合经常锻炼或户外运动的小伙伴们! 💪 **日常运动小窍门:轻松预防运动损伤** 预防胜于治疗!日常生活中有哪些简单的小动作能帮你减少运动损伤?快来学习,养成保护身体的好习惯吧! 🏃♀️ 想了解更多?赶紧报名参加我们明天的【马光工作坊】,推拿师林彥廷将为你解答! 👉 立即报名: 📻 地点: 106A Henderson Crescent, Singapore 151106 ⏰ 时间: 10am – 1pm ✅ 工作坊优惠: • 每位参与者均可获得免费礼品袋(价值$28) • 马光关爱积分配套促销 • 保健品促销 • 免费试喝药材补汤 […]
✨ Introducing Oxy Pressure Cupping Therapy: A NEW Approach to Pain Relief ✨ Are you tired of suffering from chronic body pain? Look no further! Ma Kuang TCM is introducing an innovative Oxy Pressure Cupping Therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that combines the best of traditional cupping with modern technology. What sets Oxy Pressure Cupping […]
幼儿去托儿所,许多家长反映孩子一到学校就容易生病,这让很多父母非常头疼,也很心疼。 那么,为什么孩子刚去托儿所就容易出现感冒、咳嗽等问题呢?今天我们将从中医的角度来聊一聊如何调理和增强孩子的免疫力,帮助他们健康成长。 💬 马光妇幼医师赖慧芬将在这周五下午2:10pm-2:40pm 上 MediaCorp LOVE 972 给大家讲解《幼儿刚上学就生病,中医如何调理?》,记得收听! 📆 2024年9月20日(星期五) ⏰ 2:10pm-2:40pm Love 972 FM #马光开讲 #马光中医 #Makuang #MakuangTCM #免疫力 #LOVE972 […]
🎉 Happy 25th Anniversary, Ma Kuang! 🎉☺️ 9.9.2024 Congratulations on another year of growth, success, and achievement with us. Let’s look forward to the best in the coming years. 🌟 🎂 9.9 .2024 是马光中医的25岁生日,祝贺马光中医周年庆快乐!🎉 愿在未来的岁月里,继续秉承传统中医的精髓,为更多人带来健康与幸福!🌿✨ We’re incredibly grateful for your unwavering SUPPORT from humble beginnings to a thriving community. 🙏🎉 Cheers to many more years […]
【Solutions for Pain Relief through TCM】 A big thank you to Physician Li Xiang for sharing valuable insights at B2K Pet Care on the causes of body pain and TCM treatments. Physician Li Xiang not only addressed common everyday issues but also explained the underlying principles of pain and practical solutions. We cherish these connections […]