Hotline: 1800-336-5855
Hotline: 1800-336-5855
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow. It is used to alleviate pain, promote healing, and restore balance within the body's systems.
At Ma Kuang, we use sterile, single-use, disposable acupuncture needles. You may experience slight discomfort upon insertion when the needle pierces through the skin; however, most people find it very tolerable. As the needle reaches acupoint, you may notice achiness, tingling, fullness, and heaviness, which are referred to as “needling sensations”. The duration varies greatly from person to person. It can last anywhere from a few seconds to a day, and still be considered normal.
Side effects of acupuncture are rare. Occasionally, local petechiae (minor subcutaneous bleeding) and local allergic reaction occur at site of needling. Subcutaneous bleeding can present as small bruise, which generally doesn’t require medical attention. Needle marks, small red dots or blotches usually subside spontaneously as well. Fatigue, achiness and fullness are normal responses to acupuncture and usually only last for a day or two. If symptoms of needle fainting (vasodepressor syncope of reflex fainting during acupuncture therapy) occur during the session, please speak to your physician
Acupuncture treatment should be postponed or rescheduled under circumstances such as postprandial period, severe fatigue and excessive sweating. People with critical illness, severe heart disease, severe hypertension and pregnancy women should be cautious when considering acupuncture. Please consult your physician for advice.