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TCM Aftercare
TCM Aftercare
Yellow Emperor’s Inner Cannon states that the best physician provides preventive care; the mediocre catches illness at its start; the worse treats diseases. TCM emphasizes preventive care. Not only does it take the whole person into consideration, it also analyzes many other environmental and social factors, such as weather, emotion and sleep-wake cycle. It strives to facilitate one’s optimal health.

Suboptimal health

Suboptimal health refers to a grey health status between health and disease. It is a step away from actual illness. It commonly presents as eye strain, back pain, fatigue, malaise, indigestion, cold limbs, insomnia, dizziness, headache, depression and anxiety. Early intervention can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.


Infancy and puberty are usually the two growth periods that concern parents the most. Puberty is especially concerning as it is the last chance of growth. It is misleading to deem Panax notoginseng (TianQi) as a generalized supplement for teenagers. Good practice of TCM suggests that supplementation should always be customized. Please consult your physician for advice on growth stimulating formula.

In addition, herbal medicine can promote growth through improving appetite, strengthening bones and muscles, facilitating healing and strengthening endocrine system.

Postpartum care

Postpartum care is referred to as “ZuoYue” in traditional Chinese, which literally stands for “sit for a month”, meaning to rest for a period of time after childbirth. Good postpartum care can strengthen woman’s constitution. Generally speaking, postpartum mothers are more prone to illness. Some chronic conditions, such as migraine, backache, allergy and malaise, may reoccur during this period.

TCM believes that labor is an exhausting process that consumes the mother’s vital energy. Blood and Qi (vital energy) are lost during the process. Mothers are advised to consume nutritious food and herbal medicine to replenish the lost energy and speed up wound healing to a few short weeks.

Postpartum care is effective in restoring energy, repairing uterus and improving milk quality. It is the solution to common postpartum symptoms, including lochiorrhea, low milk supply, weight gain, hair loss and joint pain.

Postpartum Care Package, Maternity Medicinal bath pack Wong Yiu Nam Medical Hall

Wong Yiu Nam medical hall provides “postpartum care package” to replenish and nourish the body with herbal medicine. The package includes 1 packet of ShenHuaTang, 30 days portion of red dates-longan-Golgi Berry tea, 5 packets of SiShenTang, 4 packets of DuZhong (Eucommia) BuYaoTang, 4 packets of BaZhenTang, 4 packets of Wong Yiu Nam BuPinFang and Eucommia (DuZhong), head of Angelica Sinensis (DangGuiTou), Codonopsis Pilosula (DangShen), Rhiizoma Dioscoreae (HuaiShan)and Radix Astragali (BeiQi) each 1 packet.

There are also other packages for low milk supple and mastitis. Please place your order at Ma Guang.

- First stage: 1st-5th day postpartum, promote lochia discharge and blood circulation

- Oral administration: ShengHuaTang, Red date,longan and Golgi Berry tea

- Second stage: 6th-14th day postpartum: Replenish blood and nourish GI tract

- Oral administration: SiShenTang, DuZhong (Eucommia) BuYaoTang

- Third stage: 15th-30th day postpartum: replenish vital energy and strengthen constitution

- Oral administration: BaZhenTang, BuPinFang

Maternity Medicinal Bath Pack
Medicinal bath pack consists of Balsamiferou blumea herb (DaFengAi), ginger skin (JiangPi), cinnamon (GuiPi), pomelo peel (YouPi) and Cassia twig (GuiZhi). These herbs promote blood flow. Boil the herbs in a pot. Apply the liquid and wipe whole body. Use daily and it can facilitate wound healing, restore immunity, prevent postpartum edema (swelling), joint and back pain, and headache, etc.
TCM Pain Management in Singapore
Pain Management
acupuncture TCM pain management singapore | Ma Kuang TCM
Pain is one of the most common complaints. It signals danger and alerts us that something needs to be done immediately to avoid damage.

Pain is a subjective first-person experience. Everybody’s perception and tolerance to pain is different. However, acute or chronic pain can all have many negative consequences. It affects sleep quality, emotional health, libido and overall quality of life. Most chronic pain worsens over time, and eventually weighs on the body, not to mention all the medical expenses and reduction in productivity

What Are The Advantages Of TCM Pain Management?

TCM for pain management is a holistic approach to find the root of pain and get to the cause of disease. Moreover, TCM is also effective in pain relief, providing patient comfort during treatment period. Here are some conditions that are most responsive to TCM pain management treatment.

01. Vascular Neuropathic Pain

  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Stroke
  • TCM for Headache/Migraine
  • Shingles


  • Cervical syndrome
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Sciatic pain (Intervertebral disc herniation/ Piriformis syndrome)
  • Elbow and wrist tendinitis (Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, De Quervain Disease, etc.)
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Heel Pain
  • Osteophyte (Bone spur)
  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis)
  • Gout
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)

03. Others

  • Chest Pain
  • Gastrointestinal pain and discomfort
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Postoperative pain management
  • Menopause symptoms

How Do You Relief Pain Through TCM Pain Management?

Throughout the years, Ma Kuang has earned an undeniable reputation of effective TCM pain management in Singapore. The TCM for pain relief protocols we adopt are as follow:

- Chinese herbal medicine: Prescribed according to patient’s natural constitution. Many herbs with Qi-mobilizing property are also analgesics, such as Corydalis (YanHuSuo), Salvia miltiorrhiza (DanShen) and Panax pseudoginseng (ChuanQi), as well as formulas like DangGuiNianTongTang, ShuJingHuoXueTang, DuHuoJiShengTang.

- Acupuncture: acupuncture needle can reach deeply to the core of pain, and stimulate the brain to release endorphins that alleviate pain. Using a combination of local and distant acupoints can provide effective TCM pain relief. In case of low back pain, physician may place needle at the site of pain and at Wei Zhong acupoint in popliteal space (behind the knee).

- TuiNa: TCM Tui Na is effective for pain relief to some extent. It’s another way to manually stimulate trigger points to relax spastic muscle. Sometimes grade V joint mobilisation is performed for joint alignment and improved range of motion.

- Herbal topical analgesics: Herbal topical analgesics are appropriate for both acute and chronic pain. Select hypoallergenic bandage for sensitive skin.
TCM Weight Management in Singapore
Weight Management
TCM weight loss singapore back | Ma Kuang TCM

The advantage of choosing TCM for weight management is personalised care plan. The TCM slimming treatment allows the body to restore homeostasis, metabolise excessive fat, remove edema, and restore health. TCM to lose weight can be done by acupuncture, Tui Na, herbal medicine, or ear acupuncture.

TCM slimming treatment protocol factors in individual’s emotional health, endocrine function and age to formulate differential diagnosis and treatment plan. Obesity is categorised into 4 types in TCM:

- Due to overeating

- Related to postpartum edema (swelling)

- Stress related

- Age related

Our TCM weight loss program in Singapore, diet and lifestyle are recommended according to the categorisation.

What Are The Benefits Of Using TCM Weight Management?

- Healthy weight loss: The main goal of our TCM weight management program is to improve your health. Healthy body facilitates natural weight loss.

- Resolve other health issues simultaneously: TCM is personalised medicine. While facilitating TCM weight loss, it can also cater to your other medical and wellness needs.

- Normal food intake: Appetite can be suppressed by stimulating certain acupoints. No painful dieting is necessary.

- Free of side effect: There is no discomfort caused by drugs, such as dry mouth, palpitations, dizziness, bloating, diarrhea, or anorexia, etc during the TCM weight management program.

- Unlikely to regain weight: Clinical observation confirms that those who lose weight using TCM slimming protocol are less likely to regain their weights

What Are The Ways To Achieve Weight Loss Through our TCM in Singapore?


Using TCM to lose weight is achieved by stimulating specific acupoint to modulate the meridian system, which, in turn, suppresses appetite. In this way, patient feels satiated with less food. The TCM weight management meridian system also regulates metabolism and promotes calorie burning to remove excessive fat and edema. In addition, acupuncture can normalise visceral function and unblock meridian in various parts of the body, as a result it is effective in localised weight loss.

Besides weight loss, World Health Organisation (WHO) also recognised acupuncture’s therapeutic effects for 63 widely varying conditions, including pain syndromes, stroke, hypertension and rheumatic diseases. Its therapeutic effects are achieved by stimulating specific acupoints with acupuncture needles.


You can receive Tui Na in conjunction of acupuncture for TCM weight loss. Tui Na combines massage, trigger point, and other manual techniques to stimulate acupoints, meridian, muscles and/or nerves, in order to unblock the flow of Qi (vital energy), improve circulation, regulate visceral function and boost immune system. TuiNa for weight loss common focuses on the abdominal region to improve circulation and eliminate toxins.


On top of the above-mentioned therapies, Chinese herbal medicine can modulate many body functions and create a solid foundation for other weight loss programs. It is very effective and appropriate for secondary obesity caused by other underlying conditions. Each Chinese herbal prescription is customised for the individual to address the cause of obesity. Please do not share your own customised TCM slimming prescription with others.

All medicinal powder used by Ma Kuang is appraised and approved by Health Science Authority (HSA) to ensure quality. They are concentrated herbal extracts from Chinese medicinal herbs.

Is It Safe To Undergo our TCM Weight Management To Lose Weight While Breast-Feeding?

Yes. Our TCM weight management program is one of the best choices for weight loss for postpartum moms. There is no side effect. It can also replenish nutritional deficiency from pregnancy. It is crucial to avoid dieting while breast-feeding, as mom is already burning more calorie during this period. Dieting may cause malnutrition, weakness, hair loss, and low milk supply, and indirectly affect the baby’s health.

It is advised that mom consumes sufficient (but not excessive) quality calories while losing weight during this period. Foods with dense nutrient contents and low calories are recommended, including dark leafy vegetables, lean meat and fish. Good nutrition for mom is needed to produce quality milk. It is appropriate to nourish the digestive system and eliminate edema with herbal medicine. Localised TCM slimming techniques such as acupuncture and TuiNa around the abdomen, arms and legs are also appropriate.

Who Is The Best Candidate For TCM Weight Management?

People of all ages. It works particularly well for women who are infertile or trying to conceive. TCM weight management is a program for weight loss, as well as disease prevention and treatment.

How Soon Will The TCM Slimming Treatment Take Effect?

TCM weight management has the potential to achieve following results (may vary from person to person):

- The protocol is roughly 3 months of treatment

- Localised TCM for weight loss has great clinical success. Best result is seen in abdomen, followed by arm and leg.

- Usually patient can expect 2-3 kg weight loss in a month, and keep it off for long-term.

- Best results are seen with those who follow the doctor’s orders during the TCM weight management program, in combination with good diet and lifestyle.

Why Should I Choose Ma Kuang TCM to lose weight?

- Ma Kuang has a team of experienced TCM physicians and Tui Na therapists to meet your needs of weight loss. We offer professional and quality TCM slimming services.

- Since its establishment in 1999, Ma Kuang has a large database of successful weight loss cases.

- Our branch clinics are located throughout the island in Singapore for your convenience.

- Our friendly customer services guarantee to make you feel at home for your TCM weight loss journey.
TCM Orthopedics
TCM Orthopedics
sports injury TCM picture 8 | Ma Kuang TCM

TCM Orthopedics can treat dermal, musculoskeletal, vascular, visceral and meridional injuries caused by external forces, such as slip and fall, sprained ankle, sports injury, etc. The conditions can be divided in two main categories—acute and chronic injuries.

01. Acute Injuries

  • Bruise and Contusion
  • Muscle Strain
  • Knee Pain and Injury
  • Acute lumbar sprain/strain
  • Dislocation
  • Sprained Ankle
  • Muscle Spasm (Cramp)

02. Chronic Injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • (Osteophyte) Bone spur
  • Elbow and Wrist tendinitis (Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, De Quervain's disease, etc.)
  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis)
  • Cervical Syndrome (Cervical-brachial syndrome)
  • Sciatic Pain
  • Intervertebral disc herniation (Sciatic pain)

What Are TCM Treatments For Orthopedic Conditions?

TCM Orthopedics physicians handle various acute injuries according to each specific situation. If a patient comes in with a swollen and inflamed ankle from an ankle sprain, it would not be appropriate to massage or manipulate the joint. The TCM Orthopedics physician will first ice and compress the joint, and then treat the adjacent soft tissues with Tui Na or acupuncture. Soft tissue relaxation and increased circulation can speed up recovery process.

For chronic and overuse injuries, TCM Orthopedics physicians commonly use acupuncture, Tui Na and Chinese herbal medicine to improve blood circulation, remove fluid stasis and relieve pain. In case of atrophy and peripheral weakness, Chinese herbal medicine is often prescribed to nourish Qi (vital energy), blood, and vital organs such as liver and kidneys. These integrative TCM Orthopedics therapies help body restore its function.

What Kind Of Patients Are Not Suitable For TCM Orthopedics?

- Patient with acute spinal cord injury with unclear diagnosis, or cord injury symptoms

- Patient with fracture, osseous tuberculosis, osteomyelitis or bone tumour

- Patient with severe heart, lung, liver, kidney failure, or severe debility

- Patient with contagious diseases, acute peritonitis, including perforated gastric and peptic ulcer

- Patient with bleeding tendency, bleeding disorders

- TCM acupuncture and TuiNa may cause mild localised subcutaneous hemorrhage
Pediatric TCM in Singapore
pediatric tuina massage picture 9 | Ma Kuang TCM

Pediatric TCM treatment for common children disorders is safe, painless and free of side effect. It is effective for symptom relief and immune strengthening.

Regardless of their natural constitutions, many children get sick frequently. The clinical presentation of illness, and corresponding treatment for pediatric patient are much different from that of adults. According to our patient records, here are some common disorders that are managed by pediatric TCM protocols.

What Are The Common Pediatric Disorders Managed By TCM?

01. Allergies

  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Atopic dermatitis

02. Digestive Disorders

  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Picky eater

03. Respiratory Disorders

  • Influenza
  • Fever
  • Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
  • Cough

04. Others

  • Enuresis (bedwetting)
  • Torticollis
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Myopia
  • Autism
  • Puberty
  • Night terrors

Which Pediatric TCM Treatments Are Available For Children?

Pediatric TCM Prescription

Chinese herbal medicine is still the main treatment method for many diseases. Physician prescribes formula and pediatric TCM methods according to child’s illness and constitution. Sometimes, formula is flavored with honey to reduce bitterness. Medicinal powder used by Ma Kuang is appraised and approved by Health Science Authority (HSA) to ensure quality. There are also safety regulations regarding toxic substances, heavy metals, and microbial contents in medicinal powder to give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Pediatric Tuina Massage Therapy

Pediatric Tuina massage can stimulate a child’s immunity and, in turn, achieve great results. Physiology, pathology and acupoints specific to patients dictate gentler manual techniques and atypical therapeutic frequency and duration. Pediatric Tuina massage can also be applied to infant who cannot tolerate Chinese herbal medicine yet. Pediatric Tuina massage can treat many conditions, such as diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, influenza, asthma, bronchial pneumonia etc.

Pediatric TCM Topical Therapy

During the pediatric TCM topical therapy, place Chinese herbal medicine on specific acupoint to achieve therapeutic effects.

Pediatric TCM Acupuncture Treatment

Pediatric TCM methods such as acupuncture can be done on children. Parent should help to secure the child’s limbs in desirable positions. Thinner and shorter acupuncture needles are used for kids. Our pediatric TCM physician will also ensure brisk insertion and removal of needles to reduce discomfort.

Which Pediatric Condition Are Not Best Treated With TCM

Pediatric TCM treatment is unique. Our physician will select appropriate treatment for the pediatric patient. Western medicine and pediatric TCM can be used simultaneously without contraindication. In fact, the integration is beneficial for recovery.

If a child is experiencing acute symptoms, such as contagious disease, high fever or poisoning, it is advised that the child be handled by Western medicine first. As soon as the symptoms alleviate, pediatric TCM treatment can be incorporated to speed up recovery.
TCM for Women’s Health in Singapore
acupuncture Fertility TCM singapore | Ma Kuang TCM
TCM has distinct advantages in treating women's health and gynecological disorders. Taking into consideration of both disease and syndrome differential diagnosis, TCM practitioner tailors treatment to the individual patient, and focuses on improving one’s constitution. We are also attentive to disease characteristics and individual’s health status during menstruation, in order to provide direct and effective TCM women solutions with gynecological conditions.

Integration of Chinese and Western medicine— utilisation of modern diagnostic tools and treatments, and female TCM treatment protocol in Singapore—improves therapeutic efficacy in many cases, including pregnancy, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic inflammation, fertility and infertility, etc. We focus on a series of gynecological conditions, as well as wellness care for women's health.
  • Menstrual Disorders
  • Improve Ovary function
  • Fertility
  • Infertility
  • Puberty wellness care
  • Pregnancy care
  • Miscarriage prevention
  • Lactation TuiNa Treatment
  • Dysmenorrhea (primary dysmenorrhea, endometriosis/ adenomyosis)
  • Gynecological inflammation (vaginitis/ Pelvic inflammatory disease/ urethritis)
  • Post-pregnancy care (birth, miscarriage & abortion)
  • Pre-conception care
  • Postnatal recovery
  • Menopause symptoms
With a long history of 5000 years, TCM has accumulated a wealth of experience and wisdom. It has become many people’s choice for health care. At Ma Kuang, we provide TCM services to adult patients. TCM has developed its unique strengths and advantages in treating various diseases. Here are some common conditions we treat in adults.
01. Neurological Disorders
  • Back pain
  • Sciatic pain
  • Neck pain
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Tension headache
  • Insomnia
  • Post-stroke syndrome
  • Hemiplegia
  • Hypertension/Hypotension
  • Bell’s Palsy
02. Respiratory Disorders
  • Influenza
  • Bronchitis (Pneumonia)
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Allergic Rhinitis
03. Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Hiccups
  • Stomachache (Peptic ulcer, acute or chronic gastritis)
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
04. Urological Disorders
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Urolithiasis (stones in urinary tract)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Renal Colic
  • Urinary retention
05. Ophthalmological And Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose And Throat Or Ent) Disorders
  • Sinusitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Rhinitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Orofacial pain—toothache, painful gingivae (gums), temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Asthenopia (eye strain)
  • Floaters
06. Dermatological Disorders
  • Shingles
  • Acne
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Alopecia (hair loss)
  • Hives
07. Endocrine Disorders
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Obesity/Metabolic syndrome
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Osteoporosis
08. Others
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced adverse reactions
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse (cigarette and alcohol)
  • Male infertility (low sperm count, impaired sperm motility)
  • Weight Gain
  • Erectile dysfunction (Impotence)