What Are The Advantages Of TCM Pain Management?
TCM for pain management is a holistic approach to find the root of pain and get to the cause of disease. Moreover, TCM is also effective in pain relief, providing patient comfort during treatment period. Here are some conditions that are most responsive to TCM pain management treatment.
01. Vascular Neuropathic Pain
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Stroke
- TCM for Headache/Migraine
- Shingles
- Cervical syndrome
- Sprains/Strains
- Sciatic pain (Intervertebral disc herniation/ Piriformis syndrome)
- Elbow and wrist tendinitis (Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, De Quervain Disease, etc.)
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Heel Pain
- Osteophyte (Bone spur)
- Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis)
- Gout
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
How Do You Relief Pain Through TCM Pain Management?
Throughout the years, Ma Kuang has earned an undeniable reputation of effective TCM pain management in Singapore. The TCM for pain relief protocols we adopt are as follow:
- Chinese herbal medicine: Prescribed according to patient’s natural constitution. Many herbs with Qi-mobilizing property are also analgesics, such as Corydalis (YanHuSuo), Salvia miltiorrhiza (DanShen) and Panax pseudoginseng (ChuanQi), as well as formulas like DangGuiNianTongTang, ShuJingHuoXueTang, DuHuoJiShengTang.
- Acupuncture: acupuncture needle can reach deeply to the core of pain, and stimulate the brain to release endorphins that alleviate pain. Using a combination of local and distant acupoints can provide effective TCM pain relief. In case of low back pain, physician may place needle at the site of pain and at Wei Zhong acupoint in popliteal space (behind the knee).
- TuiNa: TCM Tui Na is effective for pain relief to some extent. It’s another way to manually stimulate trigger points to relax spastic muscle. Sometimes grade V joint mobilisation is performed for joint alignment and improved range of motion.
- Herbal topical analgesics: Herbal topical analgesics are appropriate for both acute and chronic pain. Select hypoallergenic bandage for sensitive skin.